Letterbox delivery marketing can be a very effective way to expand your business, especially if you know your target audience. This is true whether your customer is a consumer or another company. However, there are key differences when using letterbox delivery for marketing to other businesses.
In business-to-business sales, one company is providing a product or service to another. Usually when you are trying to market to consumers, there is an emotional element you must appeal to in order to get them to connect to you as customers. When it comes to other businesses, there is a lot less emotion involved and a great deal more logic. Ultimately, they purchase your product or service because they need it to help them conduct their own business. Whereas a lot of retail marketing is trying to get people to buy something they want but may not need, business-to-business sales are simpler, because you are probably looking to help that business with something that’s essential to their day-to-day operations. It can be as straightforward as office supplies like pens and printer paper, or as complex as software to streamline data management.
Benefit from business-to-business letterbox marketing
Generally, the purchase of business products is a multi-step process. It’s not like with consumers, where they receive an effective advertisement in their letterbox and decide to purchase that product or service in a short time frame. Instead, it may take a few steps before your advertising material gets from the mailroom or secretary into the hands of a decision maker. Even then, a business owner does not clip a coupon and purchase a whole new server system. First, they want to be educated on how your product or service fills a need in their business in a way that improves productivity or profitability. Then, they might need a demonstration or trial. At this point, a coupon or special deal might sway a hesitant buyer. The point is, a business sale ultimately takes more steps, especially with more expensive or complex products and services. If you know you might have to send several pieces of advertising to get a customer, you want to do that in the easiest and most cot effective way. Melno Distributors is a great place to start.
The Melno Network has an impressive track record of successful advertising through letterbox delivery in Melbourne. For a decade, Melno Distributors has been delivering local newspapers, catalogues, flyers, brochures and leaflets for some of Melbourne’s most successful businesses. For business-to-business marketing, we offer the Melno Bullseye Communications Service. You nominate the business prospects, and our walkers will deliver on time, every time. We also deliver for councils and charity organisations. The Bullseye service is only available in our standard coverage areas. Request a quote or call 03 9819 1139, and accelerate the growth of your business through business-to-business letterbox marketing today!