Low cost Letterbox Distribution

Want some good news? Letterbox distribution is an excellent way to increase your business and promote any specials, coupons or sales. Want even better news? The Australia Post Consumer Survey findings show your customers have a less crowded letterbox and that means there is even more potential that they will see and pay attention to your message. Here is how to get low-cost distribution of your leaflet, flyer or catalogue:

Get Expert Design

You might think the cheapest way to get your letterbox distribution materials prepared is to do it in-house. However, that actually isn’t true because when you hire a professional letterbox distribution company like Melno, you will have experts design the most effective presentation. It is not cost-effective to have poor quality.

Get Help With Printing

Remember that your employees are not experts in designing, printing and preparing letterbox distribution brochures. That means they will costly work hours folding leaflets and putting them into envelopes. Having Melno do your folding and mail insertion can save you money because it saves on hours of labor cost. Moreover, Melno has special deals with printing services so you get the best printing at the best price.

Cost-Effective Delivery

The most cost-effective letterbox distribution is the one that gets the right brochure into the hands of your target customers. That is why Melno works individually with their customers to create the best delivery plan at the best possible rate. Just contact us for a quote.

Don’t forget that first impressions matter. Having professionals handle your letterbox distribution design, printing and folding will make sure that the money you spend makes your customers notice. With Melno handling your letterbox distribution, you are guaranteed to get your materials into your customer’s hands efficiently, safely and effectively.



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